Unlike many other galleries and auction companies, Rose's Antiques often collects works and archives them for many years prior to offering them for sale. This highly developed process of building our collections over time provides us, and our customers, with various advantages.

Rose’s Antiques' Reputation: Building and Maintaining Trust in the Art World

We take our reputation seriously at Rose's Antiques. Every item purchased from Rose's Antiques comes with a money-back and limited guarantee of authorship.

We make every attempt to provide the most extensive information on the specifics of all works offered (where available): title, age, and any relevant historical or provenance information.

Rose's Antiques also utilizes well-recognized experts and scholars to document and review our collections.

When our seal is affixed to a Rose's Antiques certificate of authenticity, collectors have the assurance that the research was done according to the highest of museum and/or international auction standards.